A Little Hollywood History On The Talented Edith Head

Edith Head (1933-1981) is one of the most important designers and artistic visionary of our time. She defined Hollywood style and glamour from the golden era till her death in 1981. She has worked on 1131 motion pictures, has won a record of eight Academy Awards in design and nominated for 35. Edith Head is by far America’s most prominent costume designer. Edith originally named Edith Claire Posener was born October 28, 1897 in San Bernardo, California. She started her career as an assistant at The Famous-Players Lasky Studio, which later became Paramount. In 1933 she acquired the position of Chief designer at Paramount . She was the first women  to acquire such a demanding position. Hollywood gave Edith her own star in 1974 on Hollywood Boulevard. Edith has worked with many top films and directors, my personal favorite is her collaborations with Alfread Hitchcock.

All info and photos credited to Parimount, Universal, L.A press and Britanica.